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Tips for Boarding Your Dog

January 1, 2021

Are you going to be going away soon? If so, you may need to bring your canine buddy to a kennel for a few weeks. While Fido would love to go everywhere with you, that just isn’t possible. Read on for some great tips on bringing your pup to his home away from home in this article.

Pack Carefully

Kennels vary a bit on what they will allow you to bring for your pet. Some prefer that their furry guests use the kennel’s bedding, toys, and dishes. Others allow you to bring Fido’s things from home. If you do pack food or medication, bring a few days’ extra, just in case.

Do A Dry Run

It’s best to bring your furry friend in for an overnight stay before you leave on a long trip. This will help Fido become accustomed to his home away from home, which will make things easier on him next time.

Ask About Extras

Don’t be afraid to ask about extra perks! For example, some facilities also offer grooming. There’s a lot to be said for being able to pick up a clean, fresh-smelling dog. After all, you know you’re in for lots of cuddles and smooches when you get home.

Ask About Everything

Perks aren’t the only thing to inquire about. You’ll also want to ask about emergency policies, hours, and general procedures.

Offer Clear Instructions

Provide any special instructions to the kennel both verbally and in writing. Be clear and concise, and keep it to pertinent information. While we may chuckle to hear about how Fido loves to play in sprinklers, it’s more important to tell us if he’s allergic to chicken.

Avoid Long Goodbyes

It’s not easy leaving your furry friend behind. However, dragging out that farewell will only make things harder on you both. This is one situation where it’s best to go with the just-rip-the-band-aid-off method. Keep goodbyes short and sweet!

Enjoy Your Trip

When you bring your canine companion to our top-notch facility, you won’t have to worry about how he’s doing. Fido will be well taken care of! Focus on your trip, and start looking forward to that adorable happy dance you’ll get when you pick up your furry bff.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local veterinary clinic, we are here to help!

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