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7 Things to Consider Before Adopting an Exotic Cat

February 15, 2021

Have owning an exotic cat, like a lion or tiger, always been a dream of yours? It may sound fun in theory, but in practice, it can be quite a different story. While you may be able to find exotic cats for sale, you should definitely think twice before buying one. A Carteret County vet lists some things to think about below. 


Exotic cats are very expensive, and can carry a price tag of thousands of dollars. The exact price will vary on the type of kitty you are getting. Mid-sized kitties, such as Servals, range from about $1700 to $3000. Ocelots can bring in as much as $15,000, while tiger cubs (which are now illegal in many places) can cost $7500 or more.


Your typical housecat should be able to manage just fine in a smaller home, such as an apartment. Exotic cats, however, are much bigger and more energetic, therefore they require a lot more room. You may need to build a fairly sizable enclosure for your pet. Keep in mind that a large cat won’t be happy in a bare pen or cage, either. You’ll also need to provide plenty of furniture and toys.


Laws on owning exotic pets can vary wildly, depending on location. For example, Savannah cats are illegal in multiple states, but not in others. If you’re a member of an HOA, you may also need to look into their regulations. This is also something to consider if you may eventually move to another area. 

Veterinary Care

Another thing that’s important is finding a Carteret County vet that is experienced with exotic cats. Most veterinarians are well-trained when it comes to providing care for domestic cats. Exotic cats, however, have needs that are quite unique. 


We certainly understand the appeal for exotic pets: they’re beautiful, unique, and fascinating. Unfortunately, most simply aren’t well-suited to being pets. This goes for kitties, too. Therefore, you may want to consider donating to a reputable rescue instead.


If you’re thinking that an exotic cat will act just like a giant housecat, think again. Some don’t take to litterboxes, while others dislike being handled. For example, ocelots really don’t appreciate domestication, and tend to ignore commands even more than regular housecats do.


You may want to consider adopting a Bengal. While these adorable kitties are considered exotic, they’re no bigger than the average housecat, and they have plenty of charisma!

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact your trusted Carteret County vet today! 

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