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Cat Care 101: Fluffy’s Basic Needs

Cats are extremely popular pets. One reason for that is because they are very easy keepers. In fact, out of all of the animals we’ve domesticated, Fluffy may very well be the most independent. That doesn’t mean your kitty is…

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Fun Facts About Chihuahuas

Chihuahua Appreciation Day is coming up on May 14th. These tiny dogs have some big hearts, and legions of devoted fans. Fido is quite popular, and consistently makes the AKC’s list of top 20 breeds. A vet lists some fun…

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Popular Plants That Are Toxic To Cats

Have you ever brought a plant home, only to find your feline buddy immediately started gnawing on its leaves? Cats are carnivores, but they do enjoy some greens and fiber now and then. Unfortunately, kitties don’t know what is and…

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Dog Bite Prevention Tips

Dog Bite Prevention Week starts April 10th. This is a very important topic! According to the CDC, there are about 4.5 million dog bites in the US every year. That works out to about 1 out of every 73 people!…

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Signs Of Arthritis In Cats

Just like people, cats can be prone to developing arthritis as they age. This painful condition develops when the tendons and ligaments that cushion and connect Fluffy’s bones get worn out. Over time, they can thin and lose elasticity, causing…

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Pica In Dogs

Have you ever come home and found that your canine pal has eaten your shoes, or chewed up your sofa? This may go beyond Fido’s natural need to chew. There’s actually a specific name for this behavior: pica. The whats,…

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