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Warning Signs of Dental Issues in Dogs

April 15, 2016

Did you know that dental problems are one of the most common—and most serious—health problems our canine friends face? Just like people, dogs can suffer from a wide variety of dental issues, such as infected, cracked or broken teeth; gum disease; and abscesses. These problems aren’t any more fun for Fido than they are for us! Read on as a Carteret County, NC vet lists some common signs of doggy dental woes.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is one of the most common signs of canine dental problems. If Fido’s affectionate doggy kisses leave you gagging, your pet may need his choppers looked at.

Excessive Drool

Although some dogs are naturally, well, a bit slobbery, excessive, bloody, or stringy drool can be signs of dental problems.

Visible Tartar

Does your furry pal have visible brown or yellow gunk built up on his teeth? IF so, Fido could probably use a good deep cleaning. This will get rid of that yucky buildup, and will also reduce inflammation and fight infection. This is very important because tartar buildup plays a large role in the onset of gum disease. Gum disease can contribute to many other health problems in our canine pals, so it’s definitely not something to take lightly!

Reduced Appetite

If you’ve ever tried to eat with a toothache, you know how painful that can be. If Fido’s teeth hurt, he may chew more slowly, gravitate towards softer food, or even lose interest in supper.

Lack of Interest in Play

Fido may lose interest in his favorite chew toy if his teeth are bothering him. If your pet doesn’t seem as playful as usual lately, your canine buddy could have dental trouble.


Dogs often get a bit grumpy when they don’t feel well. Fido may also shy away if you try to touch his mouth. If your normally-cheerful pup seems a bit grumpy lately, have your vet examine him.

It’s worth noting that many of these symptoms are not exclusively symptomatic of dental problems, but can also be indicative of several other possible medical issues. If your canine buddy has any of these symptoms, or is acting unusual in any way, have your vet examine him immediately.

Do you know or suspect that your pooch needs dental care? Call us, your Carteret County, NC animal hospital, anytime. We are here to help!

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