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Feeding Your Guinea Pig

May 15, 2016

Have you recently adopted a Guinea pig? Congratulations! Your adorable little pet is sure to charm you with his cute face and charming mannerisms. Guinea pigs, or cavies, as they are sometimes called, are not difficult to care for. A comfy habitat, proper diet, and lots of toys will see to your tiny pal’s basic needs. When it comes to feeding a Guinea pig, however, there are some definite do’s and don’ts. Read on for some tips from a Carteret County, NC veterinarian on feeding your cavy.


Make sure your little buddy gets plenty of fresh, quality grass hay. Timothy hay is a good option. This is great for your tiny pal’s digestion, and will also help keep his teeth healthy.

Pet Food

Cavies can have commercial pet food for breakfast and dinner. Ask your vet for recommendations on portion sizes and feeding times.


In addition to these basic foods, your little furball will need fresh produce. Be sure to offer plenty of foods that contain Vitamin C, which is essential to cavies. Some suitable veggies include dandelion greens, escarole, wheat grass, carrots, green peppers, and zucchini. Swiss chard and beet green tops are also fine.


Herbs can make a great snack for Guinea pigs! Peppermint, oregano, spearmint, cilantro, and parsley are all suitable options.


Your tiny furball can also have small amounts of fruit. Plums, pears, peaches, and oranges are all safe. Cavies can also have many berries, such as blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. You don’t want to give your Guinea pig too much fruit, however, as it contains a lot of sugar.


Always research a new food before giving it to your adorable pet. Many foods, such as chocolate, garlic, and avocados, are dangerous for cavies. There are also many things that are safe on occasion, but are not suitable for daily consumption. Too much broccoli, for instance, can make your little buddy a bit gassy. Ask your vet for specific recommendations, including safe and unsafe foods, portion sizes. Also, wash produce thoroughly before feeding it to your Guinea pig. Last but not least, always introduce a new item slowly, just to make sure your furball can digest it easily.

Do you have any questions about caring for a Guinea pig? We can help! Contact us, your Carteret County, NC veterinary clinic, for all your cavy’s veterinary care needs.

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